CBSC Constitution


May 31, 2023 



The purpose of these By-Laws is to establish Standard Operating Procedures (hereafter referred to as SOP) for THE CARLISLE BARRACKS SPOUSES’ CLUB (hereafter referred to as “CBSC”), in accordance with the provisions of DoD Instruction 1000.15, Procedures and Support for Non-Federal Entities Authorized to Operate on Department of Defense Installations, AR 210-22, Non-Federal Entities Authorized to Operate on Department of the Army Installations, and pertinent local regulations. CBSC is a 501c (7) Social Club dated May 31, 2021 and is amended from time to time. 



SECTION 1:The Executive Board shall consist of: President, Honorary President(s), Advisor, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. 

SECTION 2: The CBSC Executive Board and Appointed (Governing) Boards, excluding Honorary President(s) and Advisors, will abide by the following term limits and conditions: 

A. Executive Board officers shall be elected from and by the General Membership for a term of one (1) year (Board year 1 June to 31 May). 

B. A board member may only hold a particular position for two (2) consecutive years, after which they must have at least a one (1) year break before returning to that position. Exceptions to this policy are subject to approval of the General Board. 

C. A board member may not serve on the board in any capacity more than three (3) consecutive years, after which they must have at least a one (1) year break before returning to any board position. Exceptions to this policy are subject to approval by the Executive Board. 

D. No member shall hold more than one (1) Appointed Board position at a time unless approved by the Executive Board while the search to fill the position continues. 




The duties of the officers shall be those implied by their respective titles, those prescribed by the Constitution of CBSC, and those specified by the By-Laws. 

A. Additionally, they shall submit a report prior to each Board Meeting. B. Submit a detailed Year End After Action Report no later than the May Board Meeting to the Secretary, in accordance with Article XII, Section 3 of these By-Laws. The AAR shall include revenues, expenditures, data, and all pertinent information relating to their positions. 

C. In the event of the position being held jointly, only one vote is authorized per position. 

D. Executive officer positions may be held for no more than two (2) consecutive years. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Board present and voting in a duly constituted meeting. 

SECTION 1: Executive Board Members shall: 

A. Attend all called Executive Board meetings, monthly Governing Board meetings, General Membership programs, all committees and other meetings deemed necessary by their board position. 

B. Be a voting member of the Executive Board, Governing Board, and General Membership with exception of the Honorary President(s), Advisor, and Parliamentarian. The President may vote in the event of a tie as in accordance with Article VI, Section 6 of the CBSC Constitution. 

C. Ensure that the Secretary and President review all correspondence going to the General Membership before being distributed. 

D. Prepare and submit a proposed budget to the Treasurer at the beginning of the board year and operate within individual budget allowances as approved by the General Membership. The Executive Board must approve additional allowances. 

E. Submit a written monthly report, to include a “no report” to the Secretary by designated deadline. A copy shall be retained for his/her continuity notebook. Written board reports serve to advise the Secretary and President of items required for placement on meeting agendas. 

F. Turn over all monies collected to the Treasurer within 72 hours of a CBSC event, along with receipts and cash collection sheets IAW Article IV, Section 7.C and 7.E of these By-Laws. 

G. Submit a detailed Year End After Action Report in May to the Secretary, in accordance with Article XII, Section 3 of these By-Laws. 

H. Maintain a Continuity Binder in accordance with Article XII, Section 4 of these By-Laws. 

I. Keep and maintain all records (i.e. board minutes, financial reports, AAR’s) for three (3) years. Treasurer shall maintain all records for seven (7) years, in accordance with Article XII, Section 5 of these By-Laws and Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution. 

J. Perform additional duties as designated by the President. 




SECTION 1: Honorary President(s) shall: 

A. Attend Executive and Governing Board meetings, General Membership Programs, and Special Committees as a non-voting member. 

B. Serve in an advisory capacity; provide assistance and advice on appropriate policy guidance in matters pertaining to the CBSC Executive Board. 

C. Provide appropriate policy guidance. 

D. Serve in an advisory capacity as an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee, Outreach Committee, Scholarship, the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, the Nominating Committee, and additional committees as required. 

E. Designate an Advisor(s) for the Board. 

F. Dialogue with the President on selection of appointed board members. 

SECTION 2: Honorary Advisor(s) shall: 

A. Be appointed by the Honorary President. 

B. In the absence of the acting Honorary President, shall act in the capacity of an Honorary President. 

C. Attend Executive and Governing Board meetings, General Membership Programs, and Special Committees as a non-voting member. 

D. Serve in an advisory capacity; provide assistance and advice on appropriate policy guidance in matters pertaining to the CBSC Executive Board. 

E. Serve in an advisory capacity as an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee, Outreach Committee, Scholarship, the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, the Nominating Committee, and additional committees as required. 

F. Keep the Honorary President(s) informed of all pertinent information. 

SECTION 3: President shall: 

A. Perform all duties IAW Article III, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Preside at Executive, Governing Board meetings, and General Membership Programs. 

C. Fill all Appointed Committee Chairmen positions to preside over the Governing Board. 

D. Submit a written letter or request to Carlisle Barracks Garrison Command office outlining all revenue producing activities no later than 15 June, in accordance with Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution. 

E. Coordinate with the Secretary to develop and distribute CBSC Board meeting agendas for both Executive and Governing Board members at every board meeting. 

F. Neither motion, nor vote except in the event of a tie. 

G. Ensure the Constitution and By-Laws are upheld. 

H. Call Special Membership, Committee or Board meetings as necessary. 3

I. Be an ex-officio member of Budget Committee, Scholarship Committee, Auction Committee, Nominating Committee (except when he/she is a candidate for the following Board year), and all Special Committees. 

J. Be bonded and sign all contracts and obligations authorized by the Board. K. Countersign disbursements (checks) for Club expenditures in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 

L. Disburse funds in the event of the temporary absence of the Treasurer. M. Appoint Parliamentarian, all Appointed Committee, and Special Committee Chairmen unless otherwise stated in these By-Laws. 

N. Review Operating and Outreach financial books, bank statements, and Treasurer reports monthly as an internal control necessary to meet requirement of security bond. 

O. NLT 1 May, plan the CBSC year dates with the Governing Board; ensure events are coordinated on the Carlisle Barracks Army War College (AWC) Integrated Calendar, the Army War College Master Calendar within G-3’s office and the LeTort View Community Center (LVCC). 

P. Request any necessary telephonic and email vote of the CBSC Board as outlined in Article XI, Section 3 of these By-Laws. Results should be recorded in the following month’s minutes. 

Q. Serve on, or appoint a representative to serve on any community council meetings requiring CBSC presence. 

R. Attend, and report if necessary at the monthly CLIF (Community Leader Information Forum) meetings. 

S. Be the CBSC representative on the Welcome/Farewell Spouses Planning Committee for the AWC Commandant’s Spouse and the AWC Command Sergeant Major’s Spouse. Make contact with a representative from the Command Group (deputy Commandant’s spouse or Chief of Staff’s spouse) to assist in coordinating the Welcome/Farewell of the outgoing/incoming Commandant’s spouse as well as the Welcome/ Farewell of the outgoing/incoming Command Sergeants Major’s spouse. 

T. Purchase farewell tokens for Governing Board members within the President’s budget in accordance with Article XIII, Section 1 of these By-Laws. U. Submit a President’s Letter for publication on CBSC website/social media site. V. Ensure CBSC information is submitted to the AWC G-3 Office for publication in the AWC Students Spouses Welcome Packet by designated deadline. W. Serve as International Fellows (IF) Welcome Tea chairperson and coordinate committee with IF Liaison for the event. 

a. Coordinate with the Honorary President(s), Advisor, IF Liaison, and the IF Program Sponsor Coordinator to arrange a date, time, and location for the event that includes scope of guest list. 

a) Schedule the use of an appropriate social facility. 

b) Coordinate with IF Liaison to take reservations from the IF 


c) Plan and arrange for all food, drinks, name tags, guest book, 

dishes, utensils, paper products, etc. 

d) Plan and execute an agenda to be followed during Welcome Tea. 4

SECTION 4: First Vice President shall: 

A. Perform all duties IAW Article III, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Serve as a member of the Budget Committee and additional committees as required. 

C. Perform, in the President’s absence, the duties of the President in accordance with Article IV, Section 3 of these By-Laws. 

D. Perform duties assigned by the President. 

E. Succeed the President in the event of the President’s resignation, in accordance with Article IV, Section 3 of these By-Laws. 

F. Annually approve and provide oversight to CBSC Sub Clubs and Sub Clubs Points of Contact (POC’s), including their use of social media (Facebook, Twitter) to support Sub Club activities in accordance with Article XII, Section 8 of these By-Laws. 

G. Ensure with Membership Chairman and Sub Club POC(s) that all Sub-Club Members are CBSC Members in good standing in accordance with Article XII, Section 9 of these By-Laws. 

H. Coordinate and order Board Name Tags for all board members. 

I. Coordinate and purchase an appreciation memento for the President in accordance of Article XIII, Section 1 of these By-Laws. 

J. Serve as Special Activities Chairperson for the Super Sign Up and Tour of Homes. 

1. CBSC Super Sign Up (SSU): 

a) Meet with the President to establish criteria for selecting Vendors, Instructors, Classes, and Activities to be offered at the annual 

Super Sign Up. 

b) Form and Chair a SSU committee to include, but not limited to: Second Vice President, Hospitality Chair, Vendor Chair, 

Webmaster/Publicity Chair, and Membership Chair. 

c) Work with the Vendor Chair to establish vendor participation. 

d) Schedule the use of an appropriate social facility. 

e) Coordinate and arrange for food at the event by establishing a 

contract with a social facility. 

f) Coordinate and arrange decorations, name tags, set-up, and 

cleanup for the event. 

g) Coordinate for the Membership Chair and Historian to be present at the event. 

h) Collect monies and contracts from instructors and submit 

collected monies to the CBSC Treasurer within three (3) business 


i) CBSC sponsored activities shall be exempt from fees. 

j) Submit relevant information to CBSC Publicity/Social Media 

Chair as outlined in Article VI, Section 8 of these By-Laws. 

k) Publicity requests should be forwarded to the Publicity/Social 

Media Chair. 


l) Advertise for and procure instructors, execute instructor contracts, and schedule non-member instructors on a space available basis. 

m) Ensure that CBSC activities leaders and CBSC Sub-Club POC’s are aware of the policy that all participants of a CBSC approved 

and sponsored Sub-Clubs, are expected to be members in good 

standing of the Carlisle Barracks Spouses’ Club. 

2. CBSC Tour of Homes: 

a) Coordinate with the President and Advisor(s) to request homes to be added on the Tour. 

b) Start to coordinate houses to be added to the tour in August, trying to get 10-15 houses on the tour. 

c) Each house will have a short write-up about its historical 

background, people who lived there, etc. 

d) Board members will volunteer to act as tour hostesses and be 

assigned to the houses on the tour. 

e) Coordinate to use Delaney Field House (or other location) as a 

central location point to start the Tour from. 

f) Have a detailed map and rotation schedule for the participants to follow. The use of well-marked signs is of great assistance. The 

Tour Homes have designated wreaths/lights to display. 

g) Work with the Carlisle Barracks Police Station to coordinate a 

guest pass if needed for honorary guests and direction route, signs 


K. Work cooperatively with the Parliamentarian to host Installation of Elected Officers at the May Luncheon. 

L. Maintain monthly records of volunteer hours for CBSC Board members, sub-club leaders, and CBSC volunteers. Plan volunteer recognition prior to the end of Board Year. 

M. Assume the duties and title of President should that office become vacant. Should the First Vice President decline the position, the succession shall be assured according to Article V, Section 3 of the CBSC Constitution. 

N. Submit an AAR for all Special Activities (i.e. Super Sign Up, Tour of Homes…) within thirty (30) days of the close of the event. 

SECTION 5: Second Vice President shall: 

A. Perform all duties IAW Article III, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Be bonded and authorized to co-sign checks with the Treasurer, and to carry out CBSC duties with authorized bank card for Luncheon/Position purposes. C. Submit proposed monthly programs to the Governing Board NLT August Board meeting. 

D. Coordinate, plan, and arrange for all CBSC luncheons/dinners/programs. 6

E. Serve as CBSC liaison for CBSC events and coordinate all requirements (to include, but not limited to: floor/seating design, food, decorations, etc.) in accordance with (IAW) facility contracts. 

F. Coordinate with CBSC Publicity/Social Media Chair to manage monthly program publicity as designated by said Chair and Article VI, Section 8 of these By-Laws. G. Publish a schedule of said programs to be distributed to the membership at SSU. H. Work with the 1st Vice President to coordinate Tour of Homes. 

I. Serve as a member of the Budget Committee and additional committees as required. 

J. Be asked to assume the duties and title of First Vice President should that office become vacant. Should the Second Vice President decline the position, a successor shall be appointed as provided for in Article V, Section 3 of the Constitution. 

K. Work in conjunction with the Property Chair to maintain an accurate inventory of all CBSC property. 

SECTION 6: Secretary shall: 

A. Perform all duties IAW Article III, Section 1 of these By-Laws. 

B. Ensure that the President reviews all correspondence before distribution. C. Collect and distribute the Board Meeting minutes via email within one (1) week after the board meeting’s date, for review. If any revisions are submitted, distribute the revised copy via email to the Board prior to 48 hours of the next scheduled board meeting. Present the minutes for approval at the next Governing Board meeting. 

D. Present hard copy of approved monthly minutes for President and Secretary signatures. 

E. Record and preserve the minutes of all Executive, Governing, and General Membership meetings, AARs in compliance with Article X, Section 1 of the Constitution. 

F. Shall collect monthly board reports and board volunteer hours. Forward volunteer hours to 1st VP. 

G. Shall be official custodian of the CBSC records, except the Treasurer’s books and maintains said records for a period of three (3) years. These records shall be maintained at the LVCC (basement) and on a flash drive maintained by the Secretary. Shred all outdated, nonessential files annually. 

H. Coordinate with the Parliamentarian to record all Board votes delivered by telephone, electronic mail or proxy as the Constitution and By-Laws allow. Amend, to reflect in the minutes, any telephone or email votes. 

I. Monthly, submit a hardcopy to the Carlisle Barracks Garrison Commander or his/her designee; one approved copy of the Governing Board minutes, telephone/email votes, and the monthly financial report. The Governing Board rosters, audits, and amendments will be submitted on an annual basis. AR 210-22, 2-1c 

J. Assist with the filing of paperwork for Private Organization Approval to FMWR for permission for CBSC to operate on Carlisle Barracks every second year. 


K. Maintain a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws and records of CBSC. L. Provide a standard form of the Year End After Action Report to all Governing Board members in March. 

M. In May, collect Year End After Action Reports from each Governing Board member (Honorary President(s) and Advisor(s) are exempt) to be distributed to the incoming President, Secretary, and incoming Chairs. 

N. Submit Year End After Action Report of assigned appointed positions to the President. 

O. Maintain a roster of the CBSC Governing Board and create an email distribution list. Maintain the CBSC emails for the various Board positions, and at End of Year turnover make sure the Passwords are “reset” to pass to the incoming Board positions. 

P. Mail all correspondence, and send out corresponding emails, as directed by the President. 

Q. Pick up and distribute mail on a weekly basis (1 June -31 May). R. Write thank you notes. 

S. Serve as a member of the Budget, Constitution and By-Law Committees and additional committees as required. 

SECTION 7: Treasurer shall: 

A. Perform all duties IAW Article III, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Be bonded and the primary signer of checks drawn against the CBSC account. C. Keep itemized accounts of all receipts, disbursements, and all supporting 

vouchers and records according to Article IX of the Constitution, using the appropriate Army Regulation as a guide. AR 210-22, 3 DoD Instruction 1000.15 D. Serve as custodian of the CBSC Operating Account and Outreach Account. E. Collect and deposit CBSC membership, fundraising event funds, and other monies into the appropriate CBSC account within one (1) Board cycle. F. Present a copy of the appropriate financial report to all Board members each month. (A copy shall be included with the Board minutes, which are submitted to FMWR as indicated in Article IX, Section 5 of the Constitution.) The Treasurer must provide final copies of the financial statements to the Secretary at each regularly scheduled board meeting. 

G. Open their records for inspection by the members of the CBSC at the discretion of the President. 

H. With the President, sign all appropriate contracts, obligations, and disbursement authorized by the Board. 

I. Serve as Chairperson for the Budget Committee as defined in Article VIII, Section 3 of these By-Laws. 

J. Make a copy of the current financial report available to the General Membership at the monthly meetings. The copy should be in a conspicuous place as designated by the board. 

K. Present a yearly written financial review at the last General Membership meeting of the CBSC year. 


L. Jointly, with the incoming Treasurer, arrange for the annual audit of all accounts. Books shall be turned in to the Auditor by the last working day of June and shall be subject to audit in accordance with Installation guidelines and as presented in Article IX, Section 5 of the Constitution. An audit shall be made at any time a 

new Treasurer assumes the duties between regular elections. 

M. Arrange with the auditor for the timely filing of all appropriate tax forms and fees. Taxes are due no later than 15 October. 

N. Ensure that any funding appropriations, approved and not paid by the end of the CBSC year, remain in the appropriate account. 

O. Secure a second authorized signature for an approved expenditure over one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 

P. Ensure that the proper insurance policies that are required herein and in the CBSC Constitution and By-Laws are up-to-date and in compliance. Q. Prepare budget recommendations for the following year. 

R. Must submit to the State of PA, BCO paperwork annually. 

S. Serve on the Scholarship committee as a voting member, if desired. T. Disburse scholarship checks directly to awardee’s chosen institution of higher learning within 7 business days of award or no later than May 15. 

SECTION 8: Parliamentarian shall: 

A. Perform all duties IAW Article III, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Be appointed by the President as a non-voting member of the Board. C. Be the parliamentary authority on all procedures to ensure orderly conduct as 

outlined in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised and to oversee and advise the Governing Board and General Membership on voting and parliamentary procedures in accordance with the CBSC Constitution, By-Laws, and AR 210-22. 

D. Provide advice on parliamentary procedures in a simple manner. E. Advise and aid the President as needed in following: Constitution, By-Laws, and AR 210-22. 

F. According to Article XI: Voting Procedures, of these By-Laws, coordinate all voting, including written and absentee ballots, at all Executive Board, Governing Board, and General Membership meetings. Absentee ballots, if required, will be made available for the April election of officers. 

G. Chair the Constitution and By-Laws Review Committee, which will convene not later than January of the designated review year as determined in Article VIII, Section 4 of these By-Laws. 

H. Be responsible for seeing that copies of the Constitution and By-Laws are typed and distributed by email, or other method, to the General Membership. I. Chair the Nominating Committee, which will convene not later than February as designated in Article VIII, Section 2 of these By-Laws. 

J. Administer any telephonic or email vote as per Article XI, Section 3 of these By-Laws and enter such action and its results in an addendum to the minutes to be read at the next board meeting. 


K. Coordinate with the First Vice President to host the Installation of Elected officers. 

L. Be a member of the Budget and Scholarship Committees. 

M. Maintain a current file consisting of the following: approved and current Constitution, By-Laws complete with all revisions and records of approval in accordance with Article X, Section 1.A-C of the Constitution. 



The duties of the Appointed Board shall be those implied by their respective titles, those prescribed by the Constitution of CBSC, and those specified by the By-Laws. A. The CBSC Appointed Board, Standing Committees may include, but is not limited to: Community Outreach Chair, Fundraising Chair, Historian, Hospitality Chair, Lending Closet Chair, Membership Chair, Property Chair, Publicity/Social Media Chair, Reservations Chair, Scholarship Chair, Tourista Chair, Vendor Chair, and Webmaster Chair, IF Liaison, Retiree Representative and Student Representative. 

B. All Board Members shall be CBSC members in good standing. 

C. All Appointed officers will carry out the responsibilities of their office as stated in the Constitution, these By-Laws and their respective job descriptions. D. Standing committees and subcommittees may be created, changed or abolished at the direction of the President with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Board present and voting in a duly constituted meeting. 

1. Subcommittees, which fall under a specific Standing Committee, are the responsibility of that Standing Committee Chairperson. 

2. Standing Committee Chairperson positions may be held for no more than two (2) consecutive years. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Board 

present and voting in a duly constituted meeting. 

SECTION 1: General Information: All Appointed Board Members shall: A. Attend monthly Governing Board Meetings, General Membership Programs, and other meetings as deemed necessary in his/her job description. Members should notify the Secretary of his/her intended absence prior to any meeting. B. Be a voting member of the Governing Board and General Membership with exception of the Honorary President(s), Advisor, and Parliamentarian. The President may vote in the event of a tie as in accordance with Article VI, Section 6 of the CBSC Constitution. 

C. Be a CBSC member in good standing. 


D. Appoint their own committee members who are CBSC members in good standing, with approval of the President. 

E. Be present and a voting member of the Board, or be represented by a non-voting committee person at each Board meeting. In the case of CO-Chairpersons, only one vote is authorized. Meeting absences may not exceed two (2) per term, unless excused by the President. 

F. Ensure the President reviews all correspondence to the General 

Membership/Public BEFORE distribution. 

G. Prepare and submit a proposed budget to the Treasurer at the beginning of the board year, if required, and operate within individual budget allowances as approved by the General Membership. The Executive Board must approve additional allowances. 

H. Turn over all monies collected to the Treasurer within 72 hours of a CBSC event, along with receipts and a cash collection sheet IAW Article IV, Section 7.C and 7.E of these By-Laws. 

I. Submit a monthly Board Report to the Secretary, even a “No-Report,” by date designated by the Secretary. A copy shall be retained for his/her Continuity Notebook. Written board reports serve to advise the Secretary and President of items required for placement on meeting agendas. 

J. Submit a Year End AAR not later than May Board meeting and in compliance with Article XII, Section 3 of these By-Laws. These reports shall include revenues, expenditures, data, and all pertinent information relating to their positions. 

K. Keep an updated Continuity Book in compliance with Article XII, Section 4 of these By-Laws 

L. Keep and maintain all records (i.e., board minutes, financial reports, AAR’s) for three (3) years, in accordance with Article XII, Section 5 of these By-Laws and Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution. 

M. Submit monthly, when appropriate, information or an article to the Publicity/Social Media Chair for social media outlets. 

N. Perform additional duties as designated by the President. 



SECTION 1: Community Outreach Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Coordinate, update, and assemble materials and applications for the CBSC Volunteer Associate Members and Community Outreach Volunteer Program. 


C. Coordinate, update, and assemble contacts with non-profit/charity, foundations in the local community that are in need of volunteers for their endeavors. Act as an information connection point to provide volunteer opportunities to membership and Volunteer Associate Members, according to Article IV, Section 7 B of the Constitution. 

D. Prepare outreach drives (i.e. coat and toiletry) for the CBSC year and present to the Board for approval. 

E. Plan and coordinate with a local charity/foundation, a monthly donation drive to be conducted at CBSC luncheon programs, whereby General Members provide donations. 

F. Collect and appraise the value of donations. 

G. Deliver donations monthly to chosen charity following the CBSC luncheon. H. Coordinate publicity with the Publicity/Social Media Chair informing the public of CBSC Outreach donations according to Article VI, Section 8 of these By-Laws. 

I. Maintain the social media for the Community Outreach page and send monthly emails with volunteer opportunities to the interested volunteers. 

J. Communicate the following: 

a. Neither CBSC, Carlisle Barracks, nor the Government will have any liability for the volunteers’ actions or debts. 

b. CBSC is in no way promoting and/or endorsing any of the organizations financially or otherwise through the Community Outreach Volunteer Program. 

K. Coordinate volunteers 

SECTION 2: Fundraising shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Form and Chair the Fundraising Committee, to consist of but not limited to: Second Vice President, Publicity/Webmaster Chair, Reservations Chair, Decorations Coordinator, Donations Coordinator, Treasurer, and any others with approval of the President. 

C. Be responsible for all aspects of the fundraiser to include all, but not limited to: 1. All planning 

2. Physical arrangements 

3. Donations 

4. Scheduling 

5. Ticket Sales 

6. Selling Ducks at CBSC events 

7. Coordinating duck sales to AWC Student Seminars 

8. Purchase necessary ducks (large and small) 

9. Programs 

10. Decorations 

11. Coordinating volunteers and volunteer scheduling 


D. Be responsible for all aspects of donation coordination including but not limited to the following: 

1. Updating and providing letters of requests for donated items and monetary contributions from external businesses and organizations 

2. Track external businesses and organizations responses and any replies to potential donors. 

3. Collection and safekeeping of all donated items, to be stored in a place and manner as approved by the CBSC Board. 

E. Be bonded in order to handle monies in accordance with CBSC duties. F. Coordinate with the President for the Community Leadership Information Forum (CLIF) announcement of fundraising events. 

G. Utilize and request publicity from the Publicity/Social Media Chair according to Article VI, Section 8 of these By-Laws. 

H. Be in compliance with all military post requirements regarding fundraising activities AR 210-22, 3-1, 3-5, 4-2, 5-2; and state laws involving 501(c)7. I. Submit an AAR for the Fundraising within thirty (30) days of the close of the event. A copy shall be retained for his/her Continuity Notebook. 

SECTION 3: Historian shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Take photos at all official CBSC functions and CBSC sponsored events (i.e. monthly luncheons, evening events, fundraisers, Outreach (as requested), Scholarship Ceremony, and any other CBSC activity as requested). 

C. Submit photographs to the Publicity/Social Media Chair for publication/posting on social media platforms. 

D. Prepare and assemble photo albums for presentation at the end of the board year. Books are presented to the President, Honorary President(s), and Advisor. E. Submit to the First Vice President for review. 

F. Prepare a slideshow for CBSC Programs. 

G. Label and store all photographic supplies, and store digital pictures on a thumb drive. 

SECTION 4: Hospitality Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Serve on the Super Sign Up Committee and perform duties assigned by the President. 

C. Oversee the “welcoming” of members and guests at CBSC General Membership Programs. 

D. Purchase the Opportunity Prize for CBSC monthly Luncheons as needed. 13

SECTION 5: Lending Closet Chair Shall

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Ensure all building regulations are observed and storage areas are in good order. C. Maintain inventory and create/maintain a database of all items. 

D. Maintain rental agreements. 

E. Ensure all items are returned in working, good condition. 

F. Be responsible for communicating the availability and process of Lending Closet with the community. 

G. Request and manage volunteers to assist in the operation of the lending closet. H. Maintain a calendar of availability for families to make appointments to receive/return items. 

I. Utilize and request publicity from the Publicity/Social Media Chair according to Article VI, Section 11 or these By-Laws. 

SECTION 6: Membership Chair: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Review and update yearly the CBSC Membership application, by approval of the President, no later than August. 

C. Coordinate the printing of the Membership applications. 

D. Collect Membership dues with new member applications. 

E. Compile and maintain a complete and accurate membership roster with a copy provided to the President and Secretary. 

F. F.Email requested distributions to General Membership. 

SECTION7: Property Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Ensure that all building regulations are observed and CBSC storage areas are in good order. 

C. Purchase, request, and maintain inventory and/or sign for all properties and supplies assigned to those areas. 

D. Be responsible for all CBSC property, including keeping an updated inventory that must be completed at the beginning and end of term. Keep in contact with the Second Vice President for property use at luncheons and special events. 

E. Ensure that no property is kept at a member’s home unless it is there for cleaning and/or repair. 

F. In the event of a vacancy of any elected office or Chair, check off the items on his/her hand receipt to ensure that the outgoing Board Member has returned all assets. 

G. Ensure that an updated and accurate loan contract is used when/if property is rented. 


SECTION 8: Publicity/Social Media Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Maintain CBSC Facebook and Instagram pages. 

C. Create and publish announcements of all CBSC events and news through all suitable media, including but not limited to: flyers, banners, CBSC Facebook and Instagram Pages, MWR Marquee, and the War College Community Calendar. The President will approve all posts/announcements. 

D. Provide press releases, including photographic coverage of CBSC activities and functions, to the media after clearance, when required, by Army officials. E. Assist, when requested, with flyers and/or other graphic design for programs and events. 

F. All publicity requests and details are due the Publicity/Social Media Chair NLT the first of every month for the following month’s events (i.e. request/details for October program is due NLT 1 September, etc.). 

G. Publicity requests will be submitted to the Publicity/Social Media Chair. H. Monthly CBSC Program flyers will be published and distributed for publication NLT the current month’s program (i.e. September program flyer distributed at August program, October program flyer distributed at September program, etc.). I. Oversee the publication (and/or printing) of any other CBSC literature with the exception of the Directory. 

J. Maintain a historical file or any and all CBSC publicity for activities and events (i.e. programs, ad layouts, flyers, etc.). 

K. Work closely with the Webmaster Chair to ensure all CBSC events and news are posted to the website. 

SECTION 9: Reservations Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Review and update and a Reservation Policy Letter no later than 1 August, with approval of the President. 

C. Submit any changes to the Reservation Policy for publication on the CBSC website, social media pages, and/or email, welcome packet. 

D. Accept reservations for the CBSC programs and maintain an accurate guest list for each function. 

E. Provide reservation and meal count to Second Vice President as required, by date designated by Second Vice President in accordance with LVCC (or acceptable venue) 

F. Ensure General Members who make reservations for CBSC programs are held responsible for payment. In the event a member fails to cancel a reservation by the deadline (as per the Reservation Policy), the Chair shall send out a collection letter within one (1) week of the event. Collect all appropriate charges in accordance with the No Show Payment Policy, Article X, Section 3 of these By-Laws. 

G. Notify the President, Membership Chair, Treasurer if a Member does not pay for a missed luncheon within one (1) month of the event. Article XIII, Section 1-4 


SECTION 10: Scholarship Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Coordinate with the President to determine goals/direction of the scholarship program for the year. Discuss how and when scholarships will be distributed. C. Coordinate, update, and assemble scholarship application materials, and establish a Scholarship Committee for the CBSC Merit Scholarship Program by 1 October. D. Scholarship Committee shall consist of, but not limited to: Scholarship Chair, President or designee, Parliamentarian as non-voting members as well as five (5) to eight (8) General Membership members, in good standing, as voting members in accordance with Article VIII, Section 6 of these By-Laws. The Treasurer shall be invited (but not required) to sit on the committee as a voting member. 

E. Chair the Scholarship Committee as outlined in accordance with Article VIII, Section 5 of these By-Laws, to select scholarship recipients from high school seniors and CBSC members and/or their immediate family members. 

F. Due to conflict of interest, any General Members and/or parents of students applying for a scholarship are not eligible to serve on the Scholarship Committee. G. Meet with the committee at least once per month from October through March. H. Work with the committee to develop and/or revise evaluative and objective rubric for non-essay portion of the scholarship application for approval by the Executive Board. 

I. Submit Scholarship Policy and Application, prior to publication, for approval by the Executive Board no later than 1 November. After approval, prepare an application for publication and distribute NLT 31 December. 

J. Coordinate publicity for the Scholarship Application for publication as designated by Publicity/Social Media Chair according to Article VI, Section 8 of these By-Laws. 

K. Provide Rubric to the President or designee prior to the January Board meeting. L. Publicize scholarship availability and eligibility requirements through community information forums, Club website, and Facebook page by 15 December. 

M. Submit Scholarship Application information to Publicity/Social Media and Webmaster Chairs. 

N. Ensure CBSC Scholarship Requirements are adhered to as follows, in accordance with Article IV and Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution: 

1. Be a CBSC member in good standing or their dependent. Membership must be current as of 31 December, or within 60 days of report date on official orders. Orders must have arrived after 1 October. 

2. Be a high school senior, home-schooled equivalent, spouse or dependent of a CBSC member in good standing and enrolled in an accredited 

college/university or certification program. 

3. The Applicant must enroll as a matriculated student as defined by the college/university or certification program as a full time student. 

O. Prior to Awardee notification, present to the CBSC Executive Board any Scholarship Committee recommendations concerning the number of selected awardees and suggested scholarship amounts. 


P. All Scholarship decisions are final based on CBSC Governing Board vote. Q. Notify all applicants in writing, regardless of receiving an award or not, of Scholarship Awardee decisions suggested by the Scholarship Committee and made final by the Governing Board. 

R. Send a written invitation to the ceremony to any distinguished guests, awardees, families of recipients, and Executive Board. 

S. Submit scholarship recipients’ names to the Publicity/Social Media Chair IAW Article VI, Section 8 for publication. 

T. Coordinate with the Treasurer for the disbursement of funds directly to the institution attended by the awardee. 

U. Organize and orchestrate the Scholarship Presentation Ceremony. V. Write and submit an estimated budget for the following year. 

SECTION 11: Tourista Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Present an annual plan of proposed trips and tours to points of interest by the August board meeting. 

C. Coordinate to be the POC to establish a bus schedule with the Army War College and/or MWR-approved bus lines. 

D. Coordinate all necessary arrangements depending on the type of tour. E. Be bonded in order to handle monies in accordance with CBSC duties. F. Submit a request for publicity to the Publicity/Social Media Chair Article VI, Section 8 for publication and advertising of trips/tours. 

G. In case of an Event cancellation and/or any changes, be responsible to notify all tour attendees. In the event of cancellation, coordinate with the Treasurer for reimbursement of each participant's money. 

H. Ensure General Members who make reservations for tours are held responsible for payment. In the event a member fails to cancel a reservation by the deadline (as per the CBSC Reservation Policy), the Chair shall send out a collection letter within one (1) week of the event. Collect all appropriate charges in accordance with the No Show Payment Policy, Article X, Section 3 of these By-Laws. I. Write and submit an estimated budget for the following year. 

SECTION 12: Vendor Coordinator Chair shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Review, update, and revise the Vendor Policy, Vendor Application, and Vendor Contract by 1 August, with approval of the President. 

C. Coordinate with the Publicity/Webmaster Chair to publish initial advertising packets to vendors for SSU. 

D. Set and coordinate Vendor contracts prior to September Program. E. Contact vendors in advance of all CBSC luncheons/events and assign them a table. 

F. Notify the Second Vice President of the number of vendor tables needed prior to the reservation deadline. 


G. Coordinate and collect all Vendor opportunity donations at each monthly luncheon. 

H. Ensure each vendor completes a Vendor Policy Letter before CBSC events and enforce that all vendors abide by this agreement. 

I. Serve on the Super Sign Up Committee. 

SECTION 13: Webmaster Chair shall 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Maintain CBSC website. 

C. Publish announcements of CBSC events and news. 

D. Update website monthly with relevant and timely information about CBSC and upcoming events. 

E. Protect General Member privacy on CBSC website. Ensure that photos that are displayed are in accordance with Photo release. 



SECTION 1: International Fellow (IF) Liaison shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. 

B. The liaison should be prepared to work with all IF spouses to inform them of CBSC events. 

C. Be a CBSC member in good standing, Serve as a liaison between the IF student spouse membership and/or IF Sponsor Coordinator and the CBSC Board. Provide the board input from IF student spouses and/or IF Sponsor Coordinator. 


E. Provide a detailed After Action Report (AAR) of the event and submit to the President and Secretary no later than thirty (30) days following the date of event. 

SECTION 2: Retiree Representative shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Be a member of CBSC in good standing. 

C. Serve as a liaison between the retired membership and the CBSC board. D. Coordinate with CBSC board donated food items for the Retiree Appreciation Day. 

SECTION 3: Student Representative shall: 

A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Will be a student spouse. 

C. Will be chosen by the Honorary President(s). 

D. Be a CBSC member in good standing. 

E. Serve as liaison between the student spouse membership and the CBSC Board. 18

F. Attend monthly CLIF meetings. 

G. Attend monthly Seminar Spouse Representative (SSR) meetings. H. Assist the Community Outreach Chair with the volunteer program, as in a connection assistant capacity between the student population and program information. 



Special committees may be created, changed, or abolished at the discretion of the President with a majority approval of the Executive Board. 

SECTION 1: General Information on: All Special Committee Chair shall: A. Perform all duties as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of these By-Laws. B. Be CBSC members in good standing. 

C. Appoint, as needed, their own committee members (with approval of the President) who are CBSC members in good standing. 

D. Provide the First Vice President with a list of all committee members so their volunteer hours may be collected and recorded. 

E. Report to the Governing Board as directed by the President. 

F. Submit, on completion of the project, a written AAR to the President and Secretary. 

SECTION 2: Nominating Committee shall: 

A. Be chaired by the Parliamentarian. 

B. Consist of the Parliamentarian, President, Honorary President(s), Advisor(s), and/or their designees, a minimum of two (2) members of CBSC. 

C. President, Honorary President(s), Advisor(s) or their designees shall be non-voting members of this committee. 

D. Select a slate of potential Executive Board Officer nominees from CBSC membership. A single slate may be selected, but no more than three (3) nominees shall be selected for each office. 

E. Present the slate of available nominees and biographies to the Governing Board in March. 

F. Slate of available Executive Board Officer nominees will be announced during the March CBSC monthly program. 

G. Nomination(s) from the floor shall be accepted only with prior consent of candidate(s). 

H. The Parliamentarian will present the slate of available nominees for voting at the April CBSC monthly program. 

I. The Parliamentarian and one (1) member of the committee will be responsible for counting votes and announcing the newly elected Executive Board Officers at the end of the program. 


J. Newly elected Executive Board members will be installed at the May CBSC monthly Program. 

K. Officers elect are authorized to assume their positions on 1 June. L. The Parliamentarian will submit the new Executive Board officers to the Publicity/Social Media and Webmaster Chairs to be published on the club website, Facebook, and Instagram pages. 

M. Any names collected by the Nominating Committee wishing an Appointed Board Position will provide that list to the newly elected President. 

SECTION 3: Budget Committee shall: 

A. Be chaired by the Treasurer. 

B. Consist of the members of the Executive Board: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and any other chairman deemed necessary. The Honorary President(s) and/or Advisor(s) will be invited to attend. 

C. Prepare and submit a proposed budget for the CBSC year to be presented to and approved by the Governing Board at the August Governing Board meeting and then taken to the General Membership for approval at the next regularly scheduled General Membership meeting. 

D. Recommend budget limitations for Governing Board position and/or committees. E. Advises the Governing Board of budget imbalance and recommends changes necessary in the budget for approval during the year as needed. 

F. A minimum of $2,500.00 shall be carried forward in the Outreach/Scholarship budget for the next year’s board. Additional sums may be reserved and granted at the discretion of the Executive Board. The Outreach/Scholarship budget consists of monies from company donations, benefactors, and fundraising activities. 

G. A minimum of $5,000.00 shall be carried forward in the Operating Budget for the succeeding year. Additional sums may be reserved and granted at the discretion of the Executive Board. The Operating Budget consists of all monies for appointed positions other than Outreach/Scholarship budget. 

H. Ensure the Operating Fund, the Outreach Fund and the Scholarship Funds are kept on deposit to credit of the CBSC at a financial institution, which has subscribed to the FDIC. Currently held at Navy Federal Bank, Carlisle Barracks, PA. 

SECTION 4: Constitution and By-Laws Rewrite Committee shall: A. Be chaired by the Parliamentarian. 

B. Consist of the President, Honorary President(s), Advisor(s), Secretary, and at least two (2) other CBSC members. 

C. Reviews the Constitution and By-Laws every two (2) years, or as often as necessary, to ensure these documents accurately and effectively govern the CBSC pursuant to its purpose (Article II) and as stated in the Constitution Article XI, Section 4 and in accordance with applicable Carlisle Barracks, AWC, and Army Regulations 210-22. 


D. Convene anytime after the beginning of the designated CBSC year, not later than January. 

E. Ensures revisions and/or amendments to the Constitution are approved by the Governing Board in accordance with the CBSC Constitution Article XI and then presented to the General Membership for a vote of approval. 

F. Have for reference, all pertinent copies of Army and Carlisle Barracks Regulations. 

G. Submit approved changes to the Carlisle Barracks Garrison Command office for filing and signature according to Article XV, Section 1 of these By-Laws and AR 210-22, 2-1 

SECTION 5: Scholarship Committee shall: 

A. Be chaired by the Scholarship Chair. 

B. Consist of President, or designee, and Parliamentarian as non-voting members as well as five (5) to eight (8) General Membership members, in good standing, as voting members in accordance with Article VI, Section 10 and Article XIV, Section 1 of these By-Laws. The Treasurer shall be invited (but not required) to sit on the committee as a voting member. 

C. Due to conflict of interest, any General Members and/or parents of students applying for a scholarship are not eligible to serve on the Scholarship Committee and must recuse themselves. 

D. Meet at least once per month from October through March. 

E. Develop and/or revise evaluative and objective rubric for the non-essay portion of the scholarship application for approval by the Executive Board. 

F. The committee will recommend the number of scholarship awards to be given as well as their value using available Scholarship funds and receive approval by a vote from the Governing Board. 

SECTION 6: Other Temporary Committee Positions: 

A. The President, with approval of the Executive Board, may appoint other committees. This shall include any temporary committees or positions. The Executive Board shall determine their duties and terms of office; they shall have no vote on the Governing Board. 



SECTION 1: General Membership Meetings

A. General Membership meetings (luncheons and evening programs) will be held on the third (3rd) Wednesday of the month from September through May. The Executive Board may change the meeting schedule. 

B. Special meetings of the General Membership for the purpose of conducting business may be called by the President with the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Board. 


C. Any active member may seek to have a special meeting called by submitting such a proposal to the President and should that fail, by direct petition to the Board who shall consider the matter and approve the request with two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Board. 

D. A quorum of the General Membership shall be defined as those members present. Any issue to be voted upon by the General Membership shall be decided by a majority of the quorum. 

SECTION 2: Governing Board Meetings: 

A. Board meetings will be held on the first (1st) Wednesday of the month unless otherwise designated by the Executive Board. Business shall be conducted when a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Governing Board. The vote of the majority of the quorum shall govern, unless otherwise directed by the Constitution or these By-Laws. 

B. Any member in good standing may attend Governing Board meetings with twelve (12) hour prior notice to the President, but said member shall not voice or vote at these meetings. 

C. The regularly scheduled May Board meeting shall be a transitional meeting with both current members of the Board and the incoming elect members. 

SECTION 3: Executive Board Meetings: 

A. Executive Board meetings shall be held prior to the Governing Board meetings or as designated by the President. 



SECTION 1: All dues and monies generated from within the membership shall provide the main source of funds for the Operating Account. Sources of funds for the Outreach Account shall be generated from the charitable fundraising events and contributions from non-CBSC members. 

SECTION 2: Not less than $5,000.00 shall be maintained in the Operating Account for the succeeding year. Not less than $2,500.00 shall be in the Outreach Account for the succeeding year. These amounts are in addition to any obligation funds not paid by the end of the year as specified in Article IV, Section 7.N of these By-Laws. 

SECTION 3: General Membership shall adhere to the following No-Show Payment Policy: 

A. General Members who make a reservation for any CBSC program to include, but not limited to: monthly luncheons, evening events, and Tourista Tours will be held responsible for full payment/cost. 


B. General Members who make reservations for an eligible guest, in accordance with Article IV, Section 9 of the Constitution, will be held responsible for full payment/cost should their guest be a “no-show”. 

C. Payment is due within 72 hours following the event. 

D. In regards to CBSC luncheons/programs, the Reservations Chair will send out a collection letter within one (1) week of the missed program requesting payment due immediately, in accordance with Article VI, Section 9.F of these By-Laws. 

E. If payment is not received within specified date the General Member will be: 1. Listed as a Member Not in Good Standing. 

2. Unable to attend any future CBSC programs, events and/or Sub Clubs F. Any General Member not complying with the collection letter and two (2) additional attempts for collection of payment may be removed from General Membership, in accordance with Article XIV, Section 2 of these By-Laws and Article XIII, Section 2 of the Constitution. 

G. General Members who make payment as requested will again be listed as Member in Good Standing. 

SECTION 4: The Treasurer’s books shall be subject to audit annually, or on change of Treasurer regardless of the time elapsed, in accordance with existing Carlisle Barracks installation regulations. AR 210-22,5-3 In addition will submit hardcopy to the Carlisle 

Barracks Garrison Commander or his/her designee, FMWR; the monthly financial report. Article IX Section 5 of the Constitution. 

SECTION 5: All financial guidelines are established and presented in Article IX: Finances in the CBSC Constitution. These guidelines must be adhered to. 



All eligible members will be given the opportunity to vote. Members must be in good standing in order to be eligible to vote as defined in the Constitution Article IV, Section 1. 

SECTION 1: General Membership Motions: Any motion to be presented at the General Membership meeting must be submitted in writing to the President and Parliamentarian at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting. 

SECTION 2: Election Voting: The General Membership shall elect the CBSC Executive Board annually every spring. The following, Roberts Rule of Order, Revised procedures shall be used in the election: 

A. Absentee Voting: 

1. Absentee ballots and the slate of nominees will be available by the last day of March. 

2. Absentee ballots will be emailed, if requested. 


3. Absentee ballots will be due to the Parliamentarian by designated deadline. 

4. A valid vote consists of the voter’s selections as well as the voter’s name and signature on the absentee ballot. 

B. In-Person Voting: 

1. Eligible voters must sign for a ballot at the voting table after being crossed-reference on a membership list to verify no vote has been 

previously cast. 

2. Voters are allowed to cast votes in secrecy. 

3. Voting will conclude at designated time. 

4. If a single slate is presented for voting, a simple show of eligible members' hands conducted by the Parliamentarian, is allowed. 

C. Tabulation of Votes: 

1. Upon conclusion of the election, both absentee (if any) and in-person ballots will be tallied by the Parliamentarian or his/her designee and verified by the Advisor(s). 

2. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of ballots received, or show of hands, and valid absentee ballots (if any) during the April General Membership Program. 

3. Elections results will be announced prior to the conclusion of the April General Membership Program. 

4. The number of votes cast for each candidate will not be published. A candidate may submit a request in writing to the Parliamentarian no later than fifteen (15) days after the elections are held for a recount of his/her specific office. The recount committee will be appointed by the 

Advisor(s), consisting of at least three (3), but no more than five (5) CBSC members in good standing. 

5. If all offices are uncontested, the slate may be accepted by acclamation. 

SECTION 3: Telephonic and/or Electronic Voting: 

A. The President shall have the authority to authorize a vote by telephone or email in the event of the requirement of an immediate decision to conduct CBSC business expeditiously. 

B. The telephone or email vote is to be administered solely by the Parliamentarian and reported to the Secretary. The minutes shall include the exact wording of the main motion, the names of the CBSC Board Members who cannot be contacted and the exact account of the vote. 

C. If there is no email response from a Board Member within the allotted time frame of the vote request being emailed, the Parliamentarian is required to attempt contact with the Board Member. 

D. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote is necessary to approve the motion. E. The Parliamentarian will inform the Governing Board Members of the results of any electronic vote within one (1) week of their conclusion. 

F. Vote must be conducted within the allotted time frame. 

G. All General Members eligible and in good standing are allotted one vote per motion presented at General Membership events. 


SECTION 4: Governing Board Co-Chair Position: 

A. All Appointed Committee positions, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are granted one (1) vote each per motion. 

B. Positions that are Co-Chaired must share one (1) vote. (It is one (1) vote per position not person) 

C. The President may vote in the event of a tie as in accordance with Article VI, Section 6 of the CBSC Constitution. 



SECTION 1: Post Office: 

A. All correspondence and bank statements shall be directed to the CBSC Post Office Box at the Main Post Office on Louther Street, Carlisle, PA rather than a home address. (PO Box 924 Carlisle, PA 17013) 


A. The CBSC year shall run from 1 June to 31 May. 

SECTION 3: After Action Reports (AAR): 

A. No later than May Board meeting, ALL officers, Chairs of ALL Appointed Committees, sub committees, special committees, and the liaison(s) shall submit three (3) copies of the printed report and should be turned into the Secretary. The Secretary shall use one (1) copy for the CBSC file, one (1) copy of each report to the President, and one (1) copy of each report for each corresponding Board Position in the Continuity Book. 

SECTION 4: Continuity Books: 

A. ALL officers and Chairs of ALL Appointed Committees are required to keep and maintain a Continuity Book for their respective position. 

B. Continuity Books will be turned into Secretary no later than May Board Meeting. 

C. Each Continuity Book is required to have, but not limited to: current copies of Constitution and By-Laws, all Governing Board Agendas, a copy of monthly Governing Board minutes, monthly Financial reports, respective position’s monthly Board Report, end of year AAR with any events that the position is responsible for, and any notes and information pertinent to that position. 

D. The Parliamentarian at the March Board meeting may request continuity Books for review. 

E. Continuity Books will be passed on to the incoming Chairs and is the property of CBSC. 


SECTION 5: CBSC Records: 

A. All Executive and Appointed Board files, to include but not limited to; monthly board minutes, AAR’s, and of year reports, and Continuity Books shall be held for three (3) years, in accordance with Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution. 

B. All Treasurer financial reports and records shall be held for seven (7) years, in accordance with Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution. 

SECTION 6: Children: 

A. No children between the ages of six (6) months and seventeen (17) years will be in attendance at any General Membership Program or Club function unless there is prior approval or it has been designated a Family Event. 

SECTION 7: Conduct: 

A. All members shall be responsible for their conduct and that of their guests. As in accordance with Article XIII, Section 5 of the Constitution and Army Regulations. 

SECTION 8: Sub Clubs: 

A. Sub Clubs include special interests of CBSC members. These include, but are not limited to; clubs with interests of: Wine, Bunco, Book, Playgroup, Craft, Gourmet, Out-To-Lunch Bunch, Quilting, Bowling, and Writing. 

B. First Vice President provides oversight of the Sub Clubs, Sub Club POC’s (point of Contacts), and any social media used by POC to promote Sub Club. C. Each Sub Club will designate a Point of Contact (POC). 

1. POC(s) will maintain a Sub Club roster of members attending and notify the First Vice President if someone is not on the CBSC Membership roster. 

D. All participants must be CBSC members in good standing. 




A. An appropriate memento, not to exceed $150.00 (requirement one (1) year term) or $300.00 (requirement two (2) year consecutive term), and a CBSC Photo Album will be presented to the CBSC President at the completion of his/her term(s). 

B. The First Vice President is responsible for conducting the purchase of this memento. 

C. Appreciation Mementos for the Elected and Appointed officers will not exceed the approved budget line associated with board gifts. 

D. A Board member must serve at least six (6) months of his/her term of office to receive an appreciation memento or upon the discretion of the Executive Board approval. 


E. An appreciation memento may be given to the Honorary President(s) and Advisor(s) at their PCS departure upon the discretion of the Executive Board. F. A photo album will be presented to the Honorary President(s) at the end of the board year. 

G. Compliance with AR 210-22 and AR 215-1 will be adhered to, check the Garrison Command office for further clarification, if needed. 

H. The office of Staff Judge Advocate is the POC concerning any Army Regulations. 



SECTION 1: Good Standing Membership is defined as: 

A. Dues paid in full. 

B. Payment of cost associated with the attendance at monthly General Membership programs and events. 

SECTION 2: Members not in good standing shall be subject to the following disciplinary measures: 

A. Shall not be able to attend CBSC Programs, in any form, and any related Sub Club until terms of returning to Member in Good Standing are met. 

B. May not apply for Scholarships. 

SECTION 3: Board Members are required to attend all Governing Board meetings and all CBSC Monthly Programs/Luncheons. 

A. If a Chairman cannot attend, they should: 

1. Notify the President and Secretary of their absence. 

2. Provide advance submission of the monthly Board report. 

B. In order for an absence to be considered excused, the following must be met: 1. Requirements as listed in 3.A of this section. 

2. Absences due to TDY, illness, family matters, etc. 

C. An Absence is considered unexcused when a Board Member fails to comply with Section 3.A, and 3.B of this section. 

SECTION 4: Just Cause 

A. All Members are required to be of honorable character and reputation. The CBSC has the ultimate right to require its members to refrain from conduct injurious to the organization or its purposes. (Members will not conduct activities that may discredit the Army, DOD, or the Federal Government. AR 210-22 3-1.b) A member will not be permitted retention if his/her conduct is detrimental to the organization’s reputation or effectiveness. 

B. Termination of Membership: Any or all of the following terminates membership (Cause) 


1. Member’s permanent departure from the Carlisle Barracks area. 2. Loss of “member in Good Standing” status as defined herein and in Article XIII in the Constitution and Article XIV By-Laws. 

3. Written resignation to CBSC. 

4. Failure to adhere to the Constitution and By-Laws. 

5. Negative slander or conduct detrimental to CBSC or its purposes through social media. 

6. Change of Membership status, which would affect membership eligibility. C. Removal of a Board Member: Any or all of the following may result in the removal of a Board Member from both their board position and/or result in revocation of membership (Cause). Procedures for removal of a Board Member are found in Article XIII of the Constitution. 

1. Two unexcused absences from board duties. 

2. Loss of confidence. 

3. Lack of adequate competence as a leader. 

4. Lack of ability to meet deadlines. 

5. Lack of integrity. 

6. Poor attitude. 

7. Inability to get along with others. 

SECTION 5: General members may be removed from general membership for cause upon vote of the majority of the Governing Board. 

A. All issues of concern must be stated in writing. 

B. The member must be notified of the issues of concern and have the opportunity to respond via written correspondence before a vote is taken. 

C. In the event cause for removal has been determined and a unanimous vote has been reached by the CBSC Governing Board to remove said member, his/her membership to the CBSC will be terminated. 




SECTION 1: Adoption: 

These By-Laws were approved by the Governing Board in April 2023 and by the Garrison Commander or his/her representative. The adoption of these By-Laws supersedes, evokes, and nullifies any prior By-Laws of the CBSC. 

__________________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name-President Signature-President 

__________________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name-Parliamentarian Signature-Parliamentarian 

_________________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name-Secretary Signature-Secretary 


Garrison Commander or his/her representative