Reservation, Payment, and Liability Policies
Reservation and Payment Policies:
General Members who make a reservation for any CBSC event or activity, to include but not limited to, monthly luncheons, Tourista Tours, and Sub Clubs, will be held responsible for full payment/cost. Events and activities may require registration through CBSC Web page.
Your response to the Luncheon/program must be received no later than the RSVP DATE on the online registration prior to the event. Responses made after the deadline are not guaranteed a reservation to the event. Any change to a reservation send an email to as soon as you know. CBSC is obligated to pay for all reserved meals, regardless of attendance to the event.
On the day of the event (Luncheon/program), payment can be made by cash or check. Note: If your check is returned, you will be responsible for all fees.
General Members who make reservations for an eligible guest, in accordance with Article IV, Section 9 of the Constitution, will be held responsible for full payment/cost should their guest be a “no-show”. Substitutions may be made if prior notification (via email or telephone) is given to the Reservation Chairman(s) or any volunteer handling reservations.
Payment is due within 72 hours following the event if the event is not prepaid.
With regard to CBSC luncheons/programs which do not require pre-payment, the Reservation Chairman will send out a collection letter/email within one (1) week of the missed event/activity requesting payment due immediately, in accordance with Article VI, Section 9.F, of the CBSC By-Laws.
With regard to Sub Clubs, the First Vice President will send out a collection letter/email within one (1) week of the missed gathering/meeting requesting payment due immediately, in accordance with Article VI, Section 9.F, and Article XII, Section 9.D/E, and Article IV Section 4.H/I of the CBSC By-Laws.
If payment is not received within specified date the General Member will be:
Listed as Member Not In Good Standing
Unable to attend any future CBSC programs, events and/or sub clubs until you are a Member In Good Standing again.
Any General Member not complying with a collection letter/email and two (2) additional attempts for collection of payment may be removed from General Membership, in accordance with Article XIV, Section 2 of the CBSC By-Laws, and XIII, Section 2 of the CBSC Constitution.
I understand that the Carlisle Barracks Spouses Club may take any measures available to them to collect any debt I owe them.
Liability Policy:
Sub-clubs and Tourista Trips are organized by the CBSC. Participation is purely voluntary. Participants are responsible for their own actions and release the CBSC from any damages or injuries resulting from CBSC events and activities.
Scholarship Policy:
Members wishing to submit a Scholarship Application for themselves, their spouse, or their dependent child must fill out a Membership Application and pay the membership fee no later than December 31 of the board year (as stated in Article IV of the CBSC Constitution).
A member may not serve on the Scholarship Committee or as a judge of applications or essays if they wish to apply for a Scholarship or if a Scholarship Application is submitted by their spouse or dependent child.
Scholarships are merit based and are judged using a blind process (numbers are assigned to applicants so judges do not know their names). Scholarships are presented to the awardee in the form of a check. If an applicant is the recipient of an academic or athletic 4-year scholarship (a.k.a. “full ride”) or receives an appointment to one of the military academies, their scholarship may be used to offset fees related to their academic courses (for example: a required laptop computer) or the scholarship award must be declined or returned.